Sunday, May 25, 2008


Ok finally was able to access my blogger, it decided that my email address didnt exist but now after days of trying i finally got in! 

I kept a log of all the technologies i used over 3 days and was actually very shocked to find out how much i rely on them! In the morning i wake up turn the tv on to watch breakfast, from there i get ready with my radio on. throughout the day i am using my cellphone continually and am also always connected to the internet whether it be at the library or at home. The thing that shocked my most was the amount i use my cellphone, i am continually either checking it or txting. After my 3 days of this i decided to leave it at home when i went to the library. This was a very bad idea, i hated it, knowing that someone might be trying to get in contact with me or thinking that i may be missing out on something def put me on edge. i must say though that i did get a fair bit more work done without my cellphone influencing me! In terms of the continuum of access,i would put me on the higher end. Technology is saturated through our lives now and i dont think there is much we can do to get rid of it or minimize it. 

The digital divide i found, was a really interesting topic. I was so shocked to find out that half of the world have never made a phone call! Technology has been placed upon us basically since we were born with simple things as phones been used daily without much thought being put towards how it is we use them. Technology to me is something i dont really put my mind to all that often, i guess just because it is such an everyday concept for me now. 
I had never heard of the 'One laptop per child' but it has really interested me and i agree with both sides of the argument for and against it.
I think the idea of children in poverty stricken countries that dont even have access to food carrying around laptops seems very far fetched. Laptops seem like still quite a new 'tool' to have, i mean not even all students at uni have laptops and we are living in a technologically rich environment. I know that these 'ONPC' computers are very simple and designed specifically for their needs but laptops to society still seem quite tech 'savvy' so when we think "children in poverty getting laptops for education" i can understand why people think that food and shelter are more important then laptops. On the other hand though it would work, if you are educated you have more idea of the world around you and also have skills and knowledge to help break out of poverty. This quote taken of describes their mission  "Our goal: To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves."  This illustrates what it is that they want to gain and i think it shows it in more of a positive light then how OLPC is sometimes percieved

1 comment:

erika said...

congrats on your persistence! The joys of technology, huh?