Monday, May 26, 2008

chipping?...a tad to 'robot' like?

The idea of chipping in general is abit to far fetched and robot like for me. I unfortunately didnt make the lecture due to an all nighter essay writing marathon that caused me to sleep through my 8.30am alarm but i have done the reading and read through everyones blogs on this topic. First off i understand there are definite pros and cons in the chipping debate but in the general scheme of things i think its pretty freaky that society have sort of had to come to this. 

When i first got my puppy 3 years ago i found out she had to be chipped, I was disgusted that they were going to operate on my 7 week old dog and insert a chip that would contain all her registration details ect. To me this seemed completely unnecessary, what happened to a simple tag with her name and address on? I didnt want something as simple and innocent as a puppy to be running around with some 'high-tech technology' integrated in her. It wasnt until she ran away that i actually appreciated this chip, she managed to get out of our house without her collar on but was picked up by SPCA and was scanned which showed where she lived andwho she belonged to. 

This example does show a pro of chipping that i originally thought of as a definite con. I think society as a whole on initial thoughts would be a tad freaked out if chipping was to move onto humans at birth. I talked to some of my friends about it and everyone of them when i told them the basics was anti the idea but after explaining that it would be an easier way to recognise criminals at airports ect and to hold helpful info such as allergies, blood type and illnesses that people may have they warmed to it a little bit.

I think in the time we are in now the idea of chipping seems like an extra surveillance aid and i dont think many mothers would be happy having their newborns inserted with one. It doesnt yet seem like it is needed to the extent it could be in the future but who knows whats around the corner.

One instance i think that chipping would be a good idea is for criminals. If every criminal was inserted with a chip that had a list of all crimes they had committed that was readable all over the world to every police department it would add an aspect of safety and also allow a clear record to be seen in countries all over the world and would also come in handy at airports.

Who knows where chipping will go in the future but i think over time it will be an aspect that people will accept as other technologies advance further then what we would have ever thought possible.

Sorry for my mumblings through this post, hope it all makes sense tho! Ahh last post, seems kinda weird actually. I didnt think i would enjoy this assignment but it has proved me wrong, it has opened my eyes to all sorts of issues and i have learnt more then expected. Having my own opinion and reading others peoples really makes you think more in depth on certain topics.

Hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as me :) :)

1 comment:

Eugene said...

Your idea of chipping criminals is really interesting, and it has already been employed. In America, criminals on parole are strapped on with a tracking device around their ankles so that authorities are able to monitor them as and when.Even thought this ankle tracking device is not as advance or capable to do what a chip can it still is a first step to keeping them our of monkey business.