Monday, May 26, 2008

Convergence Culture

Another really interesting topic brought up that once again i have really never paid much attention to. Internet as i have said in previous posts its such a 'standard' part of life to so many of us now. When i was younger the internet was such a massive deal, i can remember when we first got dial up it was a whole new world. I can still recall me and my mum sitting at the computer for hours trying to find out how to access a www address, not realizing that you just simply type it in at the top of the web browser. To us now it comes naturally, we wouldnt even think twice about it. The internet is now apart of everyday life and isnt actually really noticed until its not there. We just assume automatic access and as Erika said "its always on in the background".

In class when we were talking about internet access being available in our tvs and fridges i though pffft theres no way that internet would ever go to those extremes! but if you already look at the past ten years and how much the net has developed it makes you think that anything is possible. As Henry Jenkins quotes in "The cultural logic of media convergence"..."our cellphones are not simply telecommunications devices; they also allow us to play games, download information from the internet and receive and send photographs or txt messages". Technology has grown so much and so fast in recent years. A few days ago my mum got a Blackberry, she is completely blown away at what applications it has on it. She called me yesterday saying "this phone isnt even a phone it has everything i could ever need on it". It has the normal phone calling capabilities but also a 3 Megapixel camera (dont need the digi camera anymore), a GPS system so she will never get lost, emailing and internet and a MP3 player (dont need the ipod anymore).  This is the ultimate i think in convergence!